Value Transparency Consult

  • Corporate Strategy development & Business Segments definition
  • Redesigning and aligning organisational structures and processes
  • Professionalising planning, reporting and risik management
  • Optimising capital structures & broadening lender and investor base

What is your primary corporate objective and how do you measure your performance? How informative and up-to-date is your reporting? Do you know the current and potential profitability of each of your customers, product groups, markets and distribution channels? Do you deliberately focus your efforts on the most attractive parts of your business? Do your incentive systems support your strategical and oyperational goals in the best way possible? Is your capital structure healthy and robust enough to cope with economic downturns or new turbulences in the financial markets?

We will help you and your company to effectively increase profitability, healthiness and flexibility of your business. In situations of crisis as well as in situations of consolidation or significant internal or external growth - we support you in reaching the neccessary financial and strategic transparency and in taking the right actions.

On the basis of SWOT-analyses in all relevant areas of your company and with the help of our uniquely customised financial model, we identify and evaluate your current competitive position as well as your strategic and financing options. We will aid you in detailing the future strategy, in defining a corresponding action plan for strategy implementation, and in systematically aligning your corporate organisation and incentive systems accordingly.

  • M&A-Advisory
  • Company Valuation
  • Business Plan Development
  • Due Diligence Support / Quick Due Diligences
  • Post-Merger-Integration and Synergy Realisation

Do you need highly professional and flexible support for the evaluation and assessment of M&A targets? Are you planning to accelerate optimisation or restructuring programmes in your portfolio companies? Are you looking for a partner with broad top-level industrial experience who not only speaks your language as an investor but who also strongly supports you in investment decisions and investment management processes?

We assist you in quickly reviewing and evaluating potential targets and in contrasting the price expectation of the seller-side with an own value indication. Going further, we will prepare a detailed company valuation and accompany the entire due diligence process. Based on the findings in the due diligence process, we will frequently update and refine the valuation model and assist you in negotiating an optimised sales and purchase agreement with the seller of the business.

After the successful acquisition we are able to help you in professionalising the finance function as well as with the design, realisation and controlling of further post-merger-integration measures.

  • Supervisory / Advisory board: Independent Financial Expert
  • External monitoring and controlling of Investments
  • Active shareholder representation
  • Fiduciary exercise of shareholder rights

Do you have sufficient resources for the qualified and active support of each individual investment? Is your supervisory board or advisory board composition balanced enough to consult and supervise your management in an optimal way? As a minority shareholder, do you feel adequately informed and involved regarding chances and risks and the current state of the business? Do you have the impression that the potential of your company could be unlocked better by a more intensive support?

We provide the appropriate level of support through active portfolio management and effective corporate governance in order to preserve and furthermore increase the value of your company as well as your investments. By serving as a professional supervisory/advisory board members and independent financial experts (according to ยง100 Abs. 5 German AktG), we accompany you and your company on a long-term basis. In case leadership vacancies must be bridged at short notice, we are furthermore prepared for temporarily taking over an operative role in the management board of your company.

We also ensure an active value enhancement policy for minority shareholders (also from outside a board function) and/or act as fiduciary for your shareholder rights.