Value Transparency Consult stands for professional and tailor-made solutions.
We combine flexibility, speed and motivation of a focused advisory boutique with state of the art methods, network and top-level experience from leading German industrial players, strategy consulting and global investment banking. We know the operational side of the business as well as the strategic and financial analysis and valuation of companies, industries and markets. This background helps to efficiently communicate and interlink with you and your team and to jointly develop solutions which address the actual value drivers but do not overwhelm your existing organisation.
We are organized lean and flexible in order to ensure high quality, clear independence and high seniority of our advisory services. Our analysis and recommendations are not influenced by capacity utilization aspects, management fashion trends or the need for cross-selling plain-vanilla advisory products. They are based solely on your actual needs, clear cost-benefit ratios and the implementation capabilities of your company.
Our approach is hands-on driven and also includes - beside analysis and action plan development - the necessary support in the implementation phase. Our role will be defined together with you and your organisation. It extends - according to the scope of project - from a pure advisory and coaching role to temporarily taking over an executive management function (CRO, CFO) or to a more long-term and governance focussed assistance by serving on the advisory / supervisory board of your company.
We are convinced of the value contribution of our work and like to be measured by success. Therefore we are also prepared - depending on the specific project characteristics - to arrange for success-fee components in our consultancy agreements. We will be delighted to put our experience at your disposal and to present the Value Transparency Approach and its benefits in the light of your company's specific situation and challenges.